Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Evangelism Ministry
Every member in our church community is encouraged to lead people to Christ and the church. To help accomplish this goal, we encourage members to share their personal testimonies as often as you can. Your testimony is made up of three parts.
Every member in our church community is encouraged to lead people to Christ and the church. To help accomplish this goal, we encourage members to share their personal testimonies as often as you can. Your testimony is made up of three parts.
- Your life before Jesus Christ
- Your life when you confessed and accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior
- our present life since your confession

Active Missionaries
Mission I
General Mission (4th Mondays at 6:30p.m.)
Mission II
Monthly Meeting (3rd Tuesdays at 6:30p.m.)
Join the mission
Serve the community , local schools, C.A.R.E. for healing and recovering members
Mission Chorus (Rehearsal Wednesdays before the 5th Sunday at 6:30p.m.)